Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To Renew or Not Renew...That's the Question...

To renew our wedding vows that is. For the last few years I've been entertaining the idea of renewing our wedding vows and having a reception/party afterwards. The reason being is that we never had a wedding of any kind. Way back in 2003 we eloped in Vegas..just the two of us and we don't even have a snapshot to remember it by. That isn't what was planned or really what we wanted but that's the way it had to be if we wanted to be together...we were beyond exhausted of the long distance military relationship and I think if we let that go on much longer it would have been the end of our relationship. There was no time for planning, it wasn't possible. He got deployed with the Marines with the first wave of troops to Iraq. He first went to Kuwait to await the invasion into Iraq and spent the next 6 months there. At that time there were no phones, no Internet, no bases, no nothing. When he left we had no idea how long he'd be gone or how soon he could take leave when he returned. That, along with a low, low budget made us decide to get married just the two of us and plan a reception later. Well, life got in the way of those plans, another deployment, bills, PCS, a baby and recruiting duty.  Now he has recently EAS'd and hopefully our life will begin to be more stable and I can finally have the event that I want! I want to do this while I'm still young (30 IS the new 20 right?!?!)   But even though the idea of it seems so amazing I'm still not sure. Do I really want to blow thousands on one night? I know I could pull it off super cheap in a backyard with a sundress but if I'm going to do this I want it to be the way I want it, I want a pretty dress, great food and entertainment. The other thing is I feel like it's kind of anti can I expect people to be excited for this event when we have been married for 10 years already?  I think I might just go for it..I don't want to grow old and have regrets about things I never did.

So if I do decide on this I'm thinking of an old Hollywood theme...beautiful, classy and glam. Pretty much the look and feel of this picture. I am in love with this dress (minus the train, I feel like it's too much for a vow renewal) Unfortunately, it has been clearanced and by the time I could get it I'm afraid it will be gone! But the hair and makeup is exactly what I am wanting.  I'm just love with this whole look and always havebeen, I think it's perfect. Here's a link for this dress that I have pinned.


  1. I say yes! You should have that day and the memories! Oh and 30 is the better 20 :)

  2. I really hope that you're right about 30! lol
